[dropcap]H[/dropcap]aving amazing images to show clients as an end result is great, and admittedly drives me to do what I do and I love that!    It’s what most photographers (and clients for that matter) think is the most important thing when looking at wedding photography as a whole.  Makes sense right?

But you know what.. 300+ weddings, and 8 years of doing this full time I have another thought…  If I am being totally honest, the most important thing is actually about communication, and having a solid framework in place on the business side of things that supports my talents, and unique abilities as a photographer.  I have learned that the ONLY way any client is doing to actually get the MOST amazing results that I am capable of, is if I create a solid, consistent, framework (see the second video below) and then communicate very openly, and candidly with all of my clients on the best practices as it relates to the wedding day logistics.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]The fact is this.. 90% of my day to day work as a “photographer” is spent managing, and preparing for the best results to happen out in the field, with my clients.. which then ironically becomes about 10% of the actual process.[/perfectpullquote]

So regardless if I am your wedding photographer or not, take some time and check out the videos below.  Each one is 60-seconds or less, and hits hard on some of the important aspects of the wedding day that will 100% impact the end results that you will expect and want when everything is all said and done.  This is some of the best advice and true honest value that I can add to anyone’s wedding day, and this hopefully makes me much more then a “photographer” and while I like making great images, I LOVE helping people get the most from their day 😉